In other cases, I had to rely on the context. Re: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility. He printed out the paper and showed it to his colleagues at the next meeting, and they spent some time discussing it. It is true that Czech is more urban and less folk and many Slovaks study in Czech republic. Russian is also 85% mutually intelligible with Belarusian and Ukrainian in writing. They exist, but not in such a degree to render them unintelligible. Although even if they stuck to Polish/Ukrainian, they'd probably still understand each other. How close is Ukrainian language to Polish? Ukrainian 15 % spoken, 25 % written In fact, some say the intelligibility between the two is near zero. do is the same verb (prim/pri/pri/primo/prite/pre vs. pravam/pravi/pravi/pravime/pravite/pravaat; as opposed to Serbian raditi) Ukrainian and Russian: How Similar Are These Two Languages? Below is an incomplete list of fully and partially mutually intelligible languages, that are so similar that they are sometimes considered not to be separate, but merely varieties of the same language. 6. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Interesting article Thanks so much for this post. I think that this article is full of dubious numbers, but this is not necessarily the authors fault. While common speech from urban areas arent always mutually intelligible across regions, speakers from these regions can often use a more formal form of Arabic to speak with each other. In the Kievan Rus', Russian and Ukrainian were dialects of the same language, meaning that they were largely mutually intelligible with only minor vocabulary or grammatical differences. In Serbian word order is not that important like it is in English. Belarussian has 80% intelligibility of Ukrainian and 55% of Polish. The Bulgarian language is the earliest written record Slavic language. America paid us to hand over al-Qaeda suspects It is often said that Ukrainian and Russian are intelligible with each other or even that they are the same language (a view perpetuated by Russian nationalists). This understanding can be in spoken or written communication. Maybe its a lack of vocabulary, but I havent heard that word from someone personally yet. Robert Lindsay. I would like to know if anyone could confirm that you could indeed . He was a member of a group of linguists who met periodically to discuss the field. Linguistic distance is the name for the concept of calculating a measurement for how different languages are from one another. Sorry for so much criticism it is just my Czech/Moravian opinion on the subject. Apart lack of understandability there are phrases that could be ill understood with famous Polish I am looking for the broom Older people who rembember federation understand everything. Hello everyone, Grammar is almost identical. Bratislava speakers say that Kosice speech sounds half Slovak and half Ukrainian and uses many odd and unfamiliar words. But akavian being archaic it has old slavic package. If you think this website is valuable to you, please consider a contribution to support the continuation of the site. Russian is actually a little further, but most Belarusian speakers are bilingual (Bel-Rus) and most Ukrainian . This phenomenon is called asymmetrical mutual intelligibility. Answer (1 of 11): Look, if you're Ukrainian you most likely already speak russian. How mutually intelligible are Czech and polish? | Latin D OMG! The distance of Slovene may seem unlikely, but I think that it is still rather optimistic, because Czech and Slovene are quite distant, despite geographical closeness. I do hope that you understand the point. And Im glad he didnt felt in the nonsense babble of serbians, croats and bosnians that try too hard to show their differences, due to political/religious reasons. It is not true at all that Ukrainian and Russian are mutually intelligible, as Russian only has 50% intelligibility of Ukrainian. The Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family is known for its languages being relatively closely related., I was born in Canada to a Serbian family and speak Serbian so I am a good control as I was never formally educated in Serbian and its grammar. When I visited Bulgaria I tried to communicate in Serbian language with the Bulgars. Polish has 22% intelligibility of Silesian, 12% of Czech, 6% of Russian, and 5% of Bulgarian. Polish 5 % spoken, 20 % written He said he is frequent visitor in Poland and therefore he speaks Polish. Routledge. There is one factor they dont know about the internet. I also worked in a resteraunt with lots of west and south slavs there and I have to say that Serbian and crotian has a lot of ilarities with Slovak. In some respects, all Slavic languages have a lot in common. Mutual intelligibility with varieties of Serbo-Croatian is hindered by differences in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, Kajkavian being the most mutually intelligible. A Moravian Czech speaker (Eastern Czech) and a Bratislavan Slovak (Western Slovak) speaker understand each other very well. I put it to Google translator and I got this: But despite similarities in grammar and vocabulary and almost identical alphabets, they differ sharply in many ways and are not mutually intelligible. Croatian linguist. can take anywhere. I have no idea, what Sledva da se otbelei, e tova means. However, she is from Skopje, close to the Serbian border and which have had much more influence from Serbian. Slovenians, Macedonians and Bulgars used to be one nation called Sklaveni and they were living in the south Hungary. Ekavian Chakavian has two branches Buzet and Northern Chakavian. Czechs hardly ever study at Slovak universities. Ukrainian has 82% intelligibility of Belarusian and Rusyn and 55% of Polish. However, Dutch speakers usually understand more German than the reverse because they study German in school. .Interestingly, Ukrainians can understand the Russian language better than the Russians would understand the Ukrainian. While discussing mutual intelligibility, the author often calls upon bilingual learning; for example, Czech and Slovak are considered highly intelligible because of the strong cross-cultural overlap. It is time to stop believing to the politically motivated propaganda about our languages and start telling the truth. Complicating the picture is the fact that many Ukrainians are bilingual and speak Russian also. Most native speakers agree on MI. Nice article, but I think there is a difference between spoken mutual intelligibility and different languages. Complaints have been made that many of these percentages were simply wild guesses with no science behind them. Also cyrillic in Macedonian is almost as same as Serbian, but many Croats dont know or dont want to know cyrillic, and that makes Macedonian more different to them than to Serbs. Are ukrainian and russian mutually understandable? Intelligibility between the two is estimated at 82%. Pei Mario (1949). Basically, when you are listening to Bulgarians, you only hear an incomprehensible row of ta-jat-to-ta-jat-ta-to-ta. Is Russian and Polish Mutually Intelligible? However, Bulgarians claim to be able to understand Serbo-Croatian better than the other way around. plenty of prepositions are used in a similar, if not identical, manner; to name an example, na is used in both Macedonian and Ni Torlak as a replacement for the Serbian genitive, in addition to its standard use as on(to) ", "Moldovan (limba moldoveneasc / )", "Experimental methods for measuring intelligibility of closely related language varieties", "Mutual intelligibility between closely related languages in Europe", Harold Schiffman, "Linguists' Definition: mutual intelligibility",, Articles with incomplete citations from May 2015, Pages with login required references or sources, Articles needing additional references from July 2022, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from March 2015, Articles with self-published sources from April 2020, Articles with dead external links from December 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Kajkavian has higher mutual intelligibility with Slovene than with the national varieties of Shtokavian. For example, British Sign Language (BSL) and American Sign Language (ASL) are quite different and mutually unintelligible, even though the hearing people of the United Kingdom and the United States share the same spoken language. The reason there are subtitles on Russian-language shows in Ukraine is because of Ukraines puristic state language policies. I guess this would not have worked for Macedonian and Slovene in the Yugoslav army. For instance, he and she in Standard Macedonia is toj and taa respectively, very close to Bulgarian toy and tya. Even the most common, most simple words sound alien in spoken Bulgarian, VODA(WATER) is pronounced ,VODA . To some extent, Russian, Rusyn, Ukrainian, and Belarusian retain a degree of mutual intelligibility. Russian has low intelligibility with Czech and Slovak, maybe 30%. Menu. Ja u da radim is more common to Serbian speakers but ja u raditi is officially more correct. And, as it was already sad, all Slovaks understand czeh better than czech slovaks thanks to hostory and politics. Intelligibility in the Slavic languages of the Balkans is much exaggerated. What language is this? 1996 . Bashkirs - Russia's Periphery Yet its totally foreign to many in Croatia. In my experience, its quite easy. For example, the spirantisation of Slavic /g/ to /h/ is an areal feature shared by the Czech-Slovak group with both Ukrainian and Sorbian (but not with Polish). That is good to know. This is simply not the case. Contents1 Can Slovenians understand Croatian?2 What languages are mutually intelligible with Croatian?3 What is the closest language to Slovenian?4 Which two . Nevertheless, writing continues in various Kajkavian dialects which still retain some connection to the old literary language, although some of the lexicon and grammar are going out (Jembrigh 2014). Rusyn ~ Ukrainian . In essence, such kinds of bilingualism also improve understanding of other, unrelated Slavic languages, since two Slavic languages fill in the comprehension gaps. In Ukrainian, one might say "I am waiting for you" ; however, there is no need for a conjunction in . . There is . I admit that my prehistoric learning of Russian (1985-1990) made it easier for me to guess the meaning of words izpolzovana a saestvuvat (which have the same meaning in Russian), but I think that I could guess it even from the context. The problem is that native speakers can understand other speakers of their own language. Polish and Ukrainian mutual intelligibility question. There are numerous intelligibility tests out there that work very well, or you can just ask native speakers to give you a %, and most of the honest ones will tell you; in fact, they will often differentiate between oh that is our language, they speak the same language as us, for dialects and then no, that is not our language, that is different, and they do not speak our language for separate languages. Russian influence only ended in 1878. Those 12% in Polish are very dubious as well. Czechs see Slovaks as country bumpkins backwards and folksy but optimistic, outgoing and friendly. Its often said that Czechs and Poles can understand each other, but this is not so. As an addendum, Id like to make it known that my own grandmother, who hails from a village some twenty kilometers southwest of Ni, got lost in Belgrade once but has no problem getting around Skopje. However, in terms of vocabulary Ukrainian is closer to Polish, from which it has borrowed a large number of words. Balgarskijat ezik e pluricentrien ezik ima njakolko kniovni normi. I can only speak from my personal experience (business trips to Czech Republic - Ostrava, Praha, Mlad Boleslav, Mikulov ). Sledva da se otbelei, e tova delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici, a samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik, za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi. However, there are dialects in between Ukrainian and Russian such as the Eastern Polissian and Slobozhan dialects of Ukrainian that are intelligible with both languages. Borg, Albert J.; Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie (1997). Russian has 85% intelligibility of Rusyn, 74% of oral Belorussian and 85% of written Belorussian, 60% of Balachka, 50% of oral Ukrainian and 85% of written Ukrainian, 36% of oral Bulgarian and 80% of written Bulgarian, 38% of Polish, 30% of Slovak and oral Montenegrin and 50% of written Montenegrin, 12% of oral Serbo-Croatian, 25% of written Serbo-Croatian, and 10% of Czech. When you find out it is a separate language, you ask for %, and they often tell you! The base of Molise Croatian was Shtokavian with an Ikavian accent and a heavy Chakavian base similar to what is now spoken as Southern Kajkavian Ikavian on the islands of Croatia. Personally Im a Taoist in relation to 9/11, the middle way, you know? Ive not read em myself. The Mutually Intelligible Languages of 8 Popular World Languages, What You Should Know About Mutually Intelligible Languages, The 11 Best Language Learning Apps of 2023, How to Say Thank You in 35 Different Languages Around the Globe, The Penny Pinchers Guide to Learning Any Language for Free, The Top 8 What Language Should I Learn Online Quizzes, The 6 Best Sources of Language Learning Videos on the Internet. Ive done tests with my friends shtokavians-only (or monolingual Croats regarding the situation here) and it was very interesting. Basically, you only hear a series of consonants with hardly recognizable vowels. I work with Russians (dro. BR, So I understood 100% But I admit that it was a relatively very easy text. English professor. The reason that these languages seem to be mutually intelligible is because almost all Ukrainians are bilingual anyway, and capable of switching between the two at will. Upper Dnistrian is influenced by German and Polish. There is much nonsense said about the mutual intelligibility of the various languages in the Slavic family. No idea, but if they are fairly intelligent as she sounds like she is, you might be shocked at how she might be able to rattle off some estimated figures like that. It has been massively updated with a lot of new research from controlled scientific intelligibility studies. - Wikipedia So dominant, in fact, that parts of Ukraine and Belarus were significantly russified in a matter of a generation, even if not completely. Hag_Boulder 9 mo. Civis Illustris. According to a paper on Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family (link in comments): Native Belarusian speakers can understand 80% of spoken Ukrainian and 80% of written . However, it appears to be a separate language, as Lach is not even intelligible within itself. . Sets of similar languages are the result of shared origin, so knowing a little more about mutual intelligibility can help you understand their origin. Nevertheless, Bulgarian-Russian intelligibility seems much exaggerated. Together with the basic norm used in Bulgaria, there also exists a Macedonian norm, which (sao=also?) I've ne. Nevertheless, the ISO has recently accepted a proposal from the Kajkavian Renaissance Association to list the Kajkavian literary language written from the 1500s-1900 as a recognized language with an ISO code of kjv. Ukrainian and Russian only have 60% lexical similarity. Croatian (Stokavski): 98% a person with Virgin ears from any where in the Czech republic and west and central Slovakia will understand each other fairly well. Albeit, Scots dialect is far more pronounced than English, and at times, can be unintelligible. The problem is that most linguists are not interested in scientific intelligibility testing of language pairs. In contrast, there is often significant intelligibility between different Scandinavian languages, but as each of them has its own standard form, they are classified as separate languages. They sometimes say that youngsters do not but that is just a myth. This list focuses on common languages widely thought to be at least partially and mutually intelligible. Yet some say that the subtitles are simply put on as a political move due to Ukraines puristic language policy. Serbian is a macrolanguage made up to two languages: Shtokavian Serbian and Torlak or Gorlak Serbian. The real reason that Slavs cant even understand each other: not enough vowels in their tongues! Most people in the region speak Russian with a few Ukrainian words. Western Ukraine, at least urban Western Ukraine, no longer speaks the Galician dialect but rather standard Ukrainian. Czech-Slovak languages - Wikipedia Polish is not intelligible with Kashubian, a language related to Polish spoken in the north of Poland. Its mainly in the weird Bulgarian grammar! Ive yet to see a speaker of BCS that recognizes the obvious: these three languages are just the same. Ive watched that movie on a croatian television with the croatian subtitle and understood that movie much much better, though Croatian also has a little differences. Russian, Polish, Czech, and Ukrainian materials are available. Many people know cases well but simply dont want to speak them correctly in conversation with someone who doesnt speak them correctly because that makes them feel like they want to judge other people who doesnt use cases correctly or that makes them more educated, even more smart, than someone who doesnt use it, and that makes both sides uncomfortable. It is not true that Shtokavian which I speak is not mutually intelligible with Torlakian of southern Serbia. Bulgarian: 15% spoken , 30-40% written Go back to your kennel. Russia Invades Ukraine pt XII | Toj e oficialnijat ezik na Republika Balgarija i edin iz 23-te oficialni ezika na Evropejskija sajuz. The Lemko dialect of Rusyn has only marginal intelligibility with Ukrainian. Its vocabulary has lots of common words with all of Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish, so it's sort of mutually intelligible with all of them. Polish is spoken outside of Poland by Polish diaspora groups in countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Foreign languages arent always as foreign as youd expect. A more updated version of this paper with working hyperlinks can be found on here. Hutch Mon May 14, 2007 12:25 am GMT. However, another view is that Lach is indeed Lechitic, albeit with strong Czech influence. The latter is heavily mixed with Shtokavian. It is more like the other slavic languages (v instead of u, z instead of s, itd, less vowels, and no distinction between and ). I think that Russian has at least 89% with Belorussian, because I understand all speech in Belorusian. While the two share a similar grammar system and some vocabulary words, . Macedonain and Serbo-Croatian being 25% inteligible is simply not true. I cannot understand that much of kajkavski nor akavski, but I can understand more akavski than I can kajkavski. Is Ukrainian closer to Russian or Polish? Serbo-Croatian speakers can often learn to understand Macedonian well after some exposure. Hello, the difference of course is completely arbitrary, but above 90%, most speakers regard their comprehension as full or say things like I understand it completely. Below 90%, it starts getting a lot more iffy, and down towards 80-85%, people start saying things like, I understand most of it but not all! and people start regarding the other tongue as possibly a separate language. [5][6] In a similar vein, some claim that mutual intelligibility is, ideally at least, the primary criterion separating languages from dialects.[7]. I use Ethnologues list of languages and dialects, but extend it a bit. He estimated that Belarusian and Ukrainian were at least 80% mutually intelligible, accents and dialect aside, and that Russian was far . ENGLISH: Bulgarian language is an Indo-European language from the group of South-Slavic languages. It may have been split from Polish for up to 800 years, where it underwent heavy German influence. In my opinion Czech and Slovak mutual intelligibility is not heavily exaggerated but actually very underrated(or some opposite word of exagerated, sorry for my poor english). 70%? 5 (2): 135146. Polish lacks full intelligibility of Silesian, although this is controversial (see below). This has, however, more to do with the new Ukrainian norm. So give these mutually intelligible languages a second look. Hello, can you tell me, how much Kajkavian can your average Chakavian speaker understand in percentage? Jen. "The Linguistic Innovation Emerging From Rohingya Refugees." That barrier, however, is not too difficult to overcome. With Lonely Planet's Ukrainian Phrasebook, let no barriers . Im Slovenian, my mother tongue is Slovenian, however I have also learnt Serbo-Croatian from a very early age. Spanish is most mutually intelligible with Galician. Are belarusian and russian mutually intelligible? - AskingForAnswer He alleges that Sheikh later double-crossed British intelligence. Western Slovak speakers say Eastern Slovak sounds idiotic and ridiculous, and some words are different, but other than that, they can basically understand it. . Subtitles are absurd when 99% of the audience can already understand whats going on. This is simply reality in Serbia today. And o shifts to u. Colloquial Ukrainian spoken in most of the country is pretty much comprehensible to Russians. People who live in border regions have an advantage of speaking two languages and can easily comprehand other ones as well. For instance, Portuguese and Spanish have a relatively high degree of mutual intelligibility, but theyre technically separate languages. Only nationalists and fanatics disagree. The revelation comes from General Musharrafs memoir, In the Line of Fire, which begins serialisation in The Times today and will further embarrass the White House at a time when relations between the US and Pakistan are already strained.. Pakistani intelligence chiefs are concerned that General Musharraf may jeopardise their relationship with British intelligence agencies after claiming that a convicted terrorist was once an MI6 informer. In fact, I cannot often identify any words at all. 50% . 99% of people in Ukraine are bilinguals who essentially speak and learn both Russian and Ukrainian from birth (although depending on the region, ones prevailence over the other varies). Is Ukrainian more like . I can barely understand czech (slovak I havent tried) and, as similar as it is to croatian, I can only understand a little slovenian. More properly, their speech is best seen as closer to Macedonian than to Bulgarian or Serbo-Croatian. You must namely take into consideration that the mutual understanding depends on many things if you are LISTENING or READING, WHAT are people talking about, HOW FAST they are speaking, and even WHO is speaking.
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