It broke our hearts to lose you,But you didnt go alone,For part of us went with youThe day God called you home. So let us all be gardeners fair,And tend to life with love and care,And watch the seeds we plant come through,To bloom and flourish, strong and true. With each step, each strike and block,The martial artists soul is free,Finding peace in every rock,And calm in every sea. If you want fame for yourself, go play an individual game. Remember me when I am gone away,Gone far away into the silent land;When you can no more hold me by the hand,Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.Remember me when no more day by dayYou tell me of . Crossword Blindness anon A poem about the struggles of figuring out that one clue that has you stumped.My Pencil Is Ready Ilene Bauer A poem about the joys of puzzling, written for National Crossword Puzzle Day.My Trusty Pencil Ilene Bauer Another poem by Bauer about the necessities of a pencil while doing crosswords. He had a keen eye, a quick hand and a skillTo work manually with strength and effort and willHis hard work inspired and was in demand,not just near home but across the land. And so I have a gift for you,My love, in the form of a roseIll hold it to my lipsAnd whisper my loving prose. Well take the time togetherTo catch up on the pastTo build a new beginningOne that will always last. The Golf Course In The Sky Michael Ashby A poem imagining what golf is like once youve got to heaven.A Golfers Dream anon A lovely little poem about the deepest desires in the heart of any golfer.A Golfers Prayer William Everyman An ode to Gods green creation, and the certainty that he is a golfer!A Golfers Psalm Tony Carpentino The famous Psalm 23 rewritten with a golfing twist.Golf Tees Lament Larry Buddin When you have golf tees everywhere in your house but forget them at the course.I Really Am A Golfer Justin Time A rhythmic poem detailing the highs and lows of being a true golfer.Life Is Like A Round Of Golf Criswell Freeman A clever poem comparing life to a round of golf.Ode To Golf Allan Berman A poem highlighting the ups and downs of an amateur golfer. We open the cupboard filled to the brimAnd wonder which game will be todays unholy sin:The boxes are faded and tattered, well worn,All filled with memories from since we were born.Theres dice and board, and card and stickWhich is the one that will be todays pick? Brothers and sisters came next,With that, an instant friend.Someone to look up to,Someone on whom to depend. Funeral Poems - Moving Poetry for Memorial Services | Stoneletters Should you require a celebrant for your ceremony, be it a funeral, a wedding, a naming ceremony or something else, feel free to get in touch. Ill always be your mother,Hell always be your dad.You will always be our child,The child that we had. I gathered petals in my hand,I felt their velvet, soft and blandI saw the soft colours in my palmLooking not unlike some lucky charmI raised them to my lipsAnd whispered words for you aloneThen placed the petals upon your bed,And stood alone, this moment of dread,I turned and walked awayMy words, my love, are with you I pray. Soft whistlingBats perched on the ceilingTears of the cavesDripping and echoingGentle lapping waterAcross rocking shoresGlowing mushrooms andGlowing wormsStalactites and stalagmitesShuddering in placeWarm, soft breathsOf bears who hibernateThe cave is sleepingBut very aliveAnd it is singingA mournful goodbye. And though you are gone, though youre not here with methe cord is still there but no one can seeIt pulls at my heart, I am bruisedI am sorebut this cord is my lifeline as never before. Then there are the moves;Always limited,restricted by the fear of capture, of failure,there are only so many times we can move sideways,move forwards,before we feel the fear of being too far out, too vulnerable. Our site uses cookies to provide you with the best possible user experience, if you choose to continue then we will assume that you are happy for your web browser to receive all cookies from our website. 50+ Cricket Quotes and Sayings - CoolNSmart As long as they hold true,the night cannot win. It is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk, Though my own red roses there may blow; It is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk, Though the red roses crest the caps, I know. We have a lot to be thankful for,The memories through the years.The many times together,Full of laughter, full of tears. Alcohol. We wouldnt eat from a microwaveOr a restaurant down the streetWe all ate Mums home cookingAnd boy that cant be beat. A list of 10 most popular In Memoriam verses and poems to be used on Memorial Cards. When a job was finished his tools had to be clean, because he was the boss of a slap-happy working team. Poems for those who were keen on loosing an arrow from a bow. Few things are as fleetingAs footprints in the sand;Sometimes we walk aloneAnd sometimes hand in hand. Ballerinas Poem Miranda Snow A poem about the utter perfection required when performing ballet.Dance Of Life David Harris A poem comparing each and every day to a different style of dance.Dance With The Waves Christy Ann Martine A very short poem perfect for a committal or scattering of ashes at sea.Dancing In The Sky Elizabeth and Danielle Hyde A slightly religious poem about dancing in heaven.I Imagine You Dancing Tanya Lord A poem reflecting the hopes of a happy, dance-filled life after death. Poems for those who shared a passion for literature, or who worked in a literary setting during their life. My grandfather said that of those he could hire,Not a servant so faithful he found,For it wasted no time, and had but one desire At the close of each week to be wound.And it kept in its place not a frown upon its face,And its hands never hung by its side,But it stopped short never to go again When the old man died. Yet my love of cricket was hereditary. You can also find an index of topics at the top of this page. Weve travelled miles upon this earthWithout home behind the carThe fun and laughter we have sharedAs we travelled long and far. I am the last barman poet,I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make,Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake,The Sex on the Beach, the schnapps made from peach,The Velvet Hammer, The Alabama Slammer,I make things with juice and froth,The Pink Squirrel, the 3-toed Sloth,I make drinks so sweat and snazzy,The Iced Tea, the Kamikazi,The Orgasm, the Death Spasm,The Singapore Sling,The Dingaling.America youve just been devoted to every flavor I got,But if you want to got loaded,Why dont you just order a shot?Bar is open. For a deeply private man it was a brief and intensely private funeral. Kayaking Mark Gregory A poem about the peace and calm that one experiences on the water.The Oarsmans Song Steve Fairbairn A rhythmic poem about the hypnotic motion of a rower in full flight.Rowing In Eden Mark Gregory A short but touching poem about two friends drifting towards heaven. Standing and waiting for the race of life to beginIm getting quite nervous.Am I going to win? Then a soldier,Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,Seeking the bubble reputationEven in the cannons mouth. The worst berets you have ever seen(pics appreciated)? "You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted." J.G. Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,Silence the pianos and with muffled drumBring out the coffin, let the mourners come. The Road goes ever on and onOut from the door where it began.Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn,My evening-rest and sleep to meet. The time you won your town the raceWe chaired you through the market-place.Man and boy stood cheering by,And home we brought you shoulder-high. I look at the clues That are luring me there. But every life that ever forms,Or ever comes to be,Touches the world in some small wayFor all eternity. Damn, what a show, we cry:The boys stamp, and the girlsShriek, and the drum boomsAnd all come down, and he bows and says good-bye. I can still hear you calling my name,then reality sets in and Im reminded my life will never be the same. You always brought the sunshineand you brightened up our world,spreading happiness and kindnesssince you were a little girl. To lose ones wealth is sad indeed,To lose ones health is more,To lose ones soul is such a lossThat no man can restore. Once it was new, best thing on the road,But now its just old; so whos driving this car? After the night, the morning, bidding all darkness cease, Cricket Poems - Modern Award-winning Cricket Poetry : All Poetry Poems / Cricket Poems - The best poetry on the web anolderambler Follow Nov '22 Cricket T20 sun-soaked, in a blaze of glory bowlers marauding torn grass blades ball-ridden lost amidst an everlong green morning It pictures death as an old friend, rather than something to be feared, which might be of some comfort to those in mourning. White wings will carry you and you will be flown. They dipThey soarThey dart right byWe wonder how it feels to fly. E ven in my darkest hours, you were always there for me. My feet ache, my hands are numb.Will this day ever be done?I head home with talc in my lung,and some hair stuck in my thumb. Close The Gate Nancy Kraayenhof A poem accenting the physical and metaphorical importance of closing the gateThe Harvest Sherrie Bradley Neal A more symbolic poem about the harvest and how it reflects the cycle of life.I Farmed The Land Earl Smithson A beautiful little poem about the simplicity and skill of a farmers life.Im Just A Farmer, Plain And Simple Bobby Collier Another poem about the supposed simplicity of farming life.The Old Farmers Prayer Steve Watkins A lightly religious poem about a farmers final message to their loved ones. The funeral bell is pealing for one, a last farewell,And few sounds sadder than the slow peals of the loud funeral bell.Above the streets and houses it echoes to the sky,For one bound for his/her last resting place the cemetery nearby. of the questions of these recurring,Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities filld with the foolish,Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless? Poems for those brave men and women who risked their lives to save others from fire. The world needs you.Believe me, its true!Some things need doingThat only you can do. Dont laugh at me, for I am not laughing with you.I see youre laughing at me why is this true? Oh, on his toe the table is turning, the broomsBalancing up on his nose, and the plate whirlsOn the tip of the broom! This is one. 25 Beautiful Non-Religious Funeral Readings from Literature - Stylist I Do Not Think My Song Will End Jonny Hathcock A poem about the deceased becoming one with nature.Look For Me In Rainbows Conn Bernard A call to remember the deceased through nature and happy memories. The warriors spirit is like a flameThat burns so bright, lighting the wayAnd its fire will always remainIn the hearts of those who train each day. Haiku I wrote whilst out at some live jazz back in October, when it was warm enough for crickets. As Stevie Bloomer watches down. Short Funeral Poems Nobody likes long-winded, dry segments at an already dour event like a funeral. Your fingerprints are on my heart.Fingerprints that teach me about caring.Fingerprints that teach me about love.Fingerprints that teach me about courage.Fingerprints that teach me about hope.Fingerprints that bring me closer to my loved ones.Fingerprints that bring me closer to myself.In the time I cared for you my whole life changed never to be the same againAll this from tiny fingerprints that touch my heart.You will live in my heart forever never to be forgotten.I will always love you.You are my child. The sky became your deep blue seaThe clouds became your shoreAnd there, for all eternityYou sat with friends galore. I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains,Of ragged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains.I love her far horizons, I love her jewel-sea,Her beauty and her terror- the wide brown land for me! Rejoice now in the knowledgeReturned to you this dayYouve always had the powerTo simply fly away. When playing darts, it is agreed,A steady hand is what you need. With tearful eyes we watched him sufferAnd saw him slowly fade awayAlthough we loved him dearlyWe could not make him stay. Required fields are marked *. I had to leave too soon,But love had joined us as I grew inside my Mommys womb. I get to know them, one and all;Some come in every night!All shapes and sizes, big and small:I make sure theyre alright. My father-in-law was cricket barmy. Poems about losing a child, especially at a young age. "Death Is Nothing At All" by Robert Scott Holland. Poems about grandmothers, grandmas, nannies and grans. You can go now my loveI must allow you to.The world is a vast and beautiful placeSo much to exploreWithout me. As you played and sharedAnd helped and taughtThe laughter and love always shone through. Finding You In Beauty Walter Rinder A beautiful poem about the echoes of our loved ones in the beauty around us.The Gardener Mark Gregory A rhythmic poem about the work of a gardener and the fruits of his labour.The Gentle Gardener Edgar Albert Guest A poem about leaving nothing but beauty behind when you pass away.The Glory Of The Garden Rudyard Kipling A poem comparing England to a garden, and praising those who tend it.Meet You At The Gate Barbara Bailey A lovely, slightly religious poem lamenting the loss of a female gardener.The Noblest Work Of Man Mark Gregory A poem urging us not to eschew labour, but to add beauty to the world. The description is reasonably short too, only a few pages. The other bingo players follow you with their eyes,As you happily claim that winning prize,Just the thought of bingo and the chance to win,Makes you smile one great big bingo grin! The ball swung, swerved and darted, That taketh all things under wing. But Im giving up bridge Tonights my last night. Crickets Poems - Modern Award-winning Crickets Poetry : All Poetry I . Charades: Always tempted to saythe answer and stop the nonsense. I chose a twinkling star in the sky at night ,To say a prayer for you to its bright light.Youre in Gods Heavens now and no longer in pain,In my thoughts, youll always remain. Your angels share is there to be asked forOf the malt whisky escaped from oak casksYou can savour a peaty Macallan 46For a drink that will forever last. Your labor is done, your home now is heaven; no more must you wait,Your legacy lives on, your love of the land, and we will close the gate. Although I didnt understandI still told everyoneWith a love thats undeniedId say That is my son. Bury Me In Lycra! And standing thereTill that calm song is done, at last well shareThe league-spread, quiring symphonies that areJoy in the world, and peace, and dawns one star. The Song of the Reel by W. E. Hutchinson. However they cant live without,the nine, ten, two or eight.The common numbers of lifes game,theyll set the balance straight. The most popular funeral poems include: "Crossing the Bar" by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Here lies a man who loved the game,Of knights and bishops, pawns and rooks,He spent his days in quiet thought,Wondering which piece should be took. He will hold you in his arms and the angels will sing. The transfer window never closesAs new players arrive all the timeTheres always a top team to play onAs for the kit, I just wish Id brought mine. Hum a song to me as I lean over into the bend and the bike leans with me. If I were there, Id tell you I have no more pain or strife,That I loved my friends and family, and I had a wonderful life.If I were there, Id tell you how I loved the small blue highways,I loved the curving mountain roads, and I loved to ride the back-road byways. Their quiet heart, a noble trait,That listened well, would sit and wait,A steady hand, a patient soul,That brought us peace, and made us whole. All Internet links/videos/pictures in here ONLY, Optical equipment repair and refurbishment as a hobby. Coffee In Heaven John Agard A poem wondering whether the coffee in heaven is actually any good.Fuelled By Coffee Mark Gregory A poem for someone whose daily life revolved around coffee.The Warmth Of Your Love Mark Gregory A poem for a warm-hearted soul who loved sharing a coffee. Nature Poems for Funerals - Funeral Choice He may look at himself and have a new awareness that his body will not last forever. Nothing is over until we decide it is! You always believed that the good Lord would provide and He always had somehow,Take off your gloves and put them down, no more sweat and worry for you now. Whats with this gameThat made you feel so high?Was it your teamYour matesThe offside trapAnd then that lousy shoot-outNearly made you cry? With my lantern I decide not to go deeperas I stand at the doorwayfeeling much like a gatekeeperwishing it was forever that I could staybut now home is where I must make my way. You can shed tears that she is goneOr you can smile because she has lived, You can close your eyes and pray that she will come backOr you can open your eyes and see all that she has left, Your heart can be empty because you cant see herOr you can be full of the love that you shared, You can remember her and only that she is goneOr you can cherish her memory and let it live on. Half Mast Mark Gregory A poem for someone for whom flags held great meaning in their life.He Flew Them With Pride Mark Gregory A humorous limerick about a man who was obsessed with flags.Under The Flag Robert Longley A poem less about a flag and more about a soldier that offered his service to it. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your backOr you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on. The Candle anon A simple poem equating a candle to a guiding light that will help us reunite with our loved ones. Can anyone help me? You were a loving, caring granddad.You were there for me a lot.You will always hold a place in my heart,A loving, treasured spot. Mother wore an ample apronTo cover her clean dress.Shed tell you thats what it was forIf you asked her, I would guess. Poems for those who loved games like bridge, canasta, poker, and various other card-based activities. The poet laureate, Simon Armitage, has released a poem to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Uncle And Friend Michaella A. Molinski A poem for an uncle who was also considered a friend. So weve already said, Goodbye,To the person that we knew.The person that we truly loved,The person that was you. Edged and taken. And when hed finished speakinHe turned back toward the windowCrushed out his cigaretteFaded off to sleepAnd somewhere in the darknessThe gambler he broke evenBut in his final wordsI found an ace that I could keep. I cannot say. The archer and his bowCelebrate victory!The greatest of allThe archers in history. My trusty pencil helps me out At crossword puzzle time. Analysis,Subject Summarisation And Explanation : 'On Tingling Catch: An interview with cricket poet Nick Whittock, Tingling Catch: Bill OReillys 1946 NZ cricket. He hopes for a blissful afterlife for the man, and knows that if there isn't one, he's happy knowing his friend made the best of his. Then as the flowers transcendedAnd the night closesNothing is brokenOnly waiting to be mended. Four Roses For You anon A blessing ideal for use alongside the visual aid of four real roses.I Gathered Petals In My Hand Lou Szymkow A verse about the quiet, private moments we spent with our dead.I Place A Rose Lou Szymkow A poem about the pain of loss, and the symbolism of placing flowers by the graveside.The Rose Beyond The Wall A. L. Frink A poem about remaining hopeful, even when someone has passed out of sight.Time Heals anon A short poem about how just like a flower blooms, so too will our happy memories. Poems for those who found a love of the stage either on or off it during their life. God saw him getting tiredAnd a cure was not to beSo he put His arms around himAnd whispered Come to me.. Never will I be covered in tattoosMy legs and toes shall forever stay bruised.Ill never paint or carry a tuneForever and ever, Ill wear a tutu. Where every day is a day to fish,To fill your heart with every wish.Dont worry, or feel sad for me,Im fishin with the Master of the sea. I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,And the wheels kick and the winds song and the white sails shaking,And a grey mist on the seas face and a grey dawn breaking. My Love, You Gave Yourself To Me anon A verse to be read by, or on behalf of, a grieving spouse. Cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, or when switching memberships), Contact UsPrivacyForum RulesClassifieds RulesLink RemovalNewsletter SettingsAdvertising, Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total). Now Grandmas gone to heaven,But her quilts will long remain,Their beauty and their warmth live on,A comforting, loving refrain. The path tightens,the corridors wind and weavemysterious sounds frightenseeing the magic others see. Be brave.Swim against the stream;Its more than okay. From hoops, to drops, to barbell hugs, She loved wearing tiny rocks, But no one can actually see her now, Shes become a walking jewellery box! No bails united the forlorn stumpsSince this wicket had fallen some days agoAnd as the bowler delivered to the lone batsmanThe hushed crowd willed a six to go. When I speak your name,Its because you no longer can,And I want the world to knowWhat a goof I had. Her apron could bring gigglesIn a game of peek-a-booWith her newest, sweet grandbabyAs she hid her face from view. As you learned lifes messagesNo matter how hardThe laughter and love always shone through. One, two, three, four,Heels click down on the catwalk floor.Five, six, seven, eight,Head held high and back dead straight. Ive finished lifes chores assigned to me,So put me on a boat headed out to sea.Please send along my fishing poleFor Ive been invited to the fishin hole. A beautiful garden now stands alone,missing the one who nurtured it,But now she is gone. The willowy sway of the hands awayAnd the water boiling aft,The elastic spring, the steely flingThat drives the flying craft. Poems for those who had a calm aura, or poems for those who seek calmness in death. Our memories build a special bridgeWhen loved ones have to partTo help us feel were with them stillAnd soothe a grieving heart.They span the years and warm our livesPreserving ties that bind;Our memories build a special bridgeAnd bring us peace of mind. Were not saying that you were mean,But your wallet, seldom seen,Youd complain and mutter on,And yet were sad that you are gone. I pray the Captain sets his fieldWith telepathic skill,That all his plans work wellAnd that the catches do not spill. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.I give a share of my soul to the world where my course is run.I know that another shall finish the task I must leave undone.I know that no flower, nor flint was in vain on the path I trod.As one looks on a face through a window, through life, I have looked on God. After reading it, I sat downin the garden and looked aroundat the green grass and the spikyflowers and the white cloudsriding high, and I thought,Its all a miracle. On a fair day by accident, afterThe bargains are all made and we can walkTogether through the shops and stalls and marketsFree in the oriental streets of thought. Not quite a reading, but maybe verses from "when an old cricketer leaves the crease", a song by Roy Harper. When I was knee high, I was immortalBecause my Mum always held my handI knew no harm would come to meIn this, the safest place in the land, Her hands were always there to guide meTo show me where to goHer hands were forever knittingTo keep us warm in Winters snow, They were there to wave me offEach morning when I left for schoolBecause you know she wouldnt let meGrow up to be no fool, As I started to grow olderI would walk of my own accordAnd those hands once there for safetyChanged roles to encourage and applaud, Later when I took a hand in marriageWith new little hands to hold in mineShe was always there when neededTo take their hands and give us time, For many years they still held strongWrapping presents as each birthday came alongGiving out big hugs at ChristmasIn the growing family throng, But then they started to become unsureNot remembering what to doSo I knew that it was my timeTo hold her hand and help her through, We walked so many milesIn corridors hand in handI just hope that in her own mindWe were walking in the sand. She touched the hearts of everyone she knew.Letting her go was so hard to do.Her smile could brighten up the darkest room.I wish you didnt have to take her so soon. Now you will not swell the routOf lads that wore their honours out,Runners whom renown outranAnd the name died before the man. Unknown Life is simply a cricket match, with temptation as the bowler. "Dead" by Winifred Mary Letts. I cannot speak, but I can listen. A flame of great power starts within ones heart and soul and mind,That pushes every man to a breaking point so that improvement he will find,Martial arts is more than the art of combat or disarming a gun or knife,Martial arts is food for the mind body and soul, martial arts is a way of life! Poems for those who enjoyed filling in those tantalising blanks across and down.
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