[15], Let's end this, Bill, hmm? Now, see, I called you when I needed you, and you didn't do a goddamn thing, right? I just want three seasons for ALL Netflix Marvel shows, they are so good. Quinn expressed her sympathies to Castle, while asking how long it had been since he lost them, with Castle noting that this sometimes feels like it only happened the day before, and sometimes it felt like a million years earlier, as Quinn held onto his hand. As Castle had promised on his honor as a Marine to let Russo walk if he let Hoyle go, Russo noted that he could let Hoyle bleed out, as Castle promised to call Homeland Security if he did that. While Russo held back the knife, he looked the Punisher directly into the eye and smiled, before then drawing his own Hidden Blade, which penetrated the Punisher's arm. Dinah Madani commanded the Homeland Security operation from a mobile command center. As Castle questioned if she mentioned his survival, Page denied it, saying that she would never compromise him. Months after helping Daredevil take down Nobu Yoshioka as well as the rest of the Hand, the Punisher continued to hunt and kill all of the gangs who had been responsible for killing his family. Later in the shootout, Castle would see Olin attempting to use a gun on her. The pair then sat down to look at his family's murder case to find new evidence. She begrudgingly agreed, but charged him extra for it, to his irritation. . Rawlins refused, stating that he wanted to kill Castle for everything he took from him and have the latter begging for his life. Venom attacked The Punisher, and the two began to battle. Knowing that he was being followed by two men, Castle convinced Karen Page that they should stop at a cafe for coffee and food, although Page remained nervous. During Castle's long and ongoing recovery from all his injuries sustained during their clash, Rafael Hernandez and Marion James had then later joined Dinah Madani, as she recovered in their hospital having been shot in the head by Billy Russo. Wolverine turns back to the good side in the end, but not before The Punisher tears through the vampire X-Men with a host of weapons, including holy water guns and silver bullet Uzis. Daredevil continued to try to free himself, but Castle made it clear that the only way to leave was if he allowed him to. Karen begged Frank not to torture the man, saying that he'd be dead to her if he killed Schoonover but the vigilante responded that it didn't matter, because Frank Castle was already dead. Once thinking of one, Castle got dressed in O'Rourke's police uniform. Does Micro Die in Marvel's The Punisher Season 1? - CBR Castle and Micro managed to escape the area and retreated to the hideout to await new intelligence from Bennett's phone. While Castle ate the pizza, Bendix claimed that none of the angles seemed to match up in this situation, noting how Marlena Olin's crew had turned up in Lola's Roadhouse straight after she spoke with Konchevsky, while she then questioned why Konhevsky had not gone there to kill her himself, as he could have done it quietly without drawing any additional attention to this, as she also had then noted that none of Olin's crews who had attacked her, or John Pilgrim, were Russian which made no sense. Let him go, Bill. Castle rushed to John Pilgrim's apartment and saw Amy Bendix around the corner with a shotgun. Seeking to end Castle's search for those responsible for Cerberus, Russo then offered him the chance to go work for Anvil overseas, noting that although Castle's family were gone they were still brothers. Castle returned to Curtis Hoyle's car and told him that Russo shot the hostage. As a result, Johnny had approached Castle, intending to start a fight, as he began poking at his chest. I am the Punisher! However, Castle's van is stolen by Rachel. Castle then returned to New York City to assist Daredevil in his confrontation with the Hand. One of the greatest things Ive ever done in my life was decide to finally start watching Daredevil (which was actually right after it got cancelled with the other shows) and seeing this scene made me realize just how iconic the show really is and made me appreciate the characters even more. Now you nod if you understand me. Castle's prediction was correct as he took up a sniping position directed at Hoyle's Apartment where he had Hoyle move Russo by a window where Castle could shoot him. ""Well, you do what you gotta do.Brett Mahoney and Frank Castle. After Hoyle told Castle that he still had half of his life to live, he told Hoyle that he was already dead, although Hoyle insisted that he could still live out a full life as Pete Castiglione, being noted that he already punished anyone responsible for the deaths of his wife and children. Crucially, because this isn't actually the Punisher's show (though this episode appears to have mixed feelings about that), we don't hear all the details of his family's death. [7], Why you protecting that piece of shit? Okay! When the trial was about to begin, Castle sat beside Page while they awaited the arrival of Matt Murdock, who was running very late for unknown reasons. However, all of the sounds of Jack's screams of agony soon made him realize that it was the wrong man, as the Punisher called out into the Hideout for Russo, and got no answer, as he realized that Russo was not in here. Once Castle had returned inside Dinah Madani's Apartment, he then found Amy Bendix in a panic, as she had desperately attempted to escape from the bedroom that he had locked her inside. Sneaking through the hallways, Castle drew his shotgun and killed three more of the insurgents in quick succession, ending up covered in their blood. Castle and the girl then drove off into the night, determined to learn the truth behind the attack. Castle tracked him and charged into the hospital, fighting off a security guard on the way before blasting through the hallways with a shotgun. Castle had continued to listen as Madani explained the surgeries that Russo had undergone following their showdown, noting all his brain trauma and his facial reconstruction, and somehow Russo had defied the doctor's expectations by not only surviving, but actually learning how to function again, despite these injuries. Following his fight against John Pilgrim, the Punisher was called up by Curtis Hoyle, who informed him that Billy Russo had just spoken to him and was currently dying from blood loss on the floor of the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Suddenly, John Pilgrim came out of nowhere in a police car and shot up the ambulance. If you don't want my help, fine. Castle also learned that Schultz' plan was to support their son's political campaign, Poloznev planned to blackmail them, so he paid for photographs. Upon waking, Castle demanded that the nearby George Bach take him back to his home, away from the hospital, which Bach did. Castle then realized how he had lost control and realized he was becoming Russo. He then shot the main guy in the leg and told him to talk. Before pulling the trigger Punisher tells Captain America that he was always his hero. Geraldinegoodison48. Pilgrim would bring an unharmed Bendix and Castle will deliver Schultz. Although Chaney attempted to offer to bring Castle to the Blacksmith himself, Castle ignored him and instead shot him through the head. ""You think he deserved it? As Lisa Castle rode on the merry go round, Castle and his wife watched on, with Maria noting that Lisa would soon be too old for it. He asked Russo to evacuate Ori and leave Wilson for him to deal with. Fearing he was slowly losing his . ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Castle then left the cafe in order to find and kill the man who was responsible for the deaths of his family. I see her. Castle made Grotto admit how he had murdered a man and an old woman under the orders of the Kitchen Irish. Castle would warn Hardin, noting that her mercenaries will kill everybody in the station, however, Hardin simply ignores both of them. He didn't run, he didn't hide, he went to settle scores. As Jack failed to answer him, the Punisher simply shot him into the leg before he then questioned where Sarah and Zach Lieberman were, only for Jack to insist that he had not been given that information. That evening, Castle watched closely towards Lance, Paulie, and Leo while their shift was over, suspecting that they might do something about the heist once Chavez was recruited. [1], Talk.""Okay! Letting of an empty clicking sound from the empty gun. They can't find the Hulk so Deadpool and Wolverine depart in search of him, leaving Captain America and Punisher to fight the mob. Castle walked in and found Amy Bendix worried as she believed Madani was going to arrest him. Quinn was shot in the shoulder, but Castle grabbed her shotgun and finished off the final two attackers. The Punisher: Who REALLY Killed Frank Castle's Family? - CBR Bendix then talked about the day, saying it was a flustercluck. The girl refused to answer, but Castle nevertheless offered to escort her out of the roadhouse. She told Castle to use the money to get away and do not come back. Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. Castle then mocked Russo for failing to get past Micro's computers, which was why they had both not been shot down, only for Russo to insist they focus on the exchange for these Lieberman's. Unwilling to allow the Punisher to be killed by the gang, Daredevil managed to take him out of the building before the Dogs of Hell could beat him to death until Castle awoke and escaped during the fight. agent, and not by Frank. ""You killed him? Having finished eating their breakfast, Castle was then driven back to the Tides Motel by Beth, as he had acknowledged that he should say goodbye to her like an adult this time, which she appreciated. Fortunately, there are some alternative universes where those questions are answered. You don't like the way that it smells? Castle said that if Martin laid a finger on her, he would kill him. Spider-Man asks why he's being targeted, and Frank shoots him. All three seasons of Daredevil and both seasons of The Punisher are streaming on Netflix. Civil war really couldve dug into this if there were more movies involved in it, but instead the one movie approach was chosen. Anderson answered the phone to Castle and the two had an argument. The Punisher season 1, The scene where the punisher finally learns the truth why his family was killed. The Anvil agents left after the hacker succeeded to wipe all of Micro's files as Rawlins proceeded to test Castle's heartbeat. He then looked up to see Russo running through the room above. O'Rourke took out a needle and was surprised when Castle willingly gave him his arm to inject Castle. As the Punisher still demanded that Russo let these kids go, he was told that attachments were a weakness as Russo then shot him in his skull vest, knocking the Punisher onto the ground, although the Punisher had claimed that Russo had once had the Castle family. Castle simply told him to do what he had to do. Make my way to Bennett's quarters, which are here. Castle was asked to confirm his time in the Marine Corps, before being asked about his final mission. He admitted that the Schultzes had his sons. Castle made his way through, shooting everyone that he saw. Hoyle asked if Castle would shoot if Hoyle refused. When Wilson Fisk is released from prison, Murdock must decide between hiding from the world or . [14], Frank, you son of a bitch, please! Seeing an opportunity to send a killer to take out Matt Murdock, he worked to get Castle out of jail so he could be an asset on the outside. Punisher Fight Scenes | Punisher Season 2. The Punisher was then kicked in the side, as the Russian dragged him back onto his feet by his hair and proceeded to punch him across the face repeatedly, with the Punisher struggling to stay conscious as he was then brutally beaten down by the Russian. The story also took his comic book origin and added a new layer to it. Hoyle complained to Castle that he wanted to live his own life, which did not include having to carry a gun in his apartment, which Castle understood. One night, Lisa pleaded with her father to read her favorite bedtime story 'Penny & Dime', but the emotionally exhausted Castle promised that he would do so the next night. When we first encounter Frank in season 2 ofDaredevil, we learn that he and his family were caught between the Dogs of Hell, the Mexican Cartel, and the Kitchen Irish. When Rex asked Castle if he missed his son, Castle had told him that he missed his son every single day. ""Well, I know where the exits are. Once a smoke grenade had been dropped in the room, the exhausted Castle tried to defend himself before he was subdued by the overwhelming number of trained guards and was then arrested once again. Years later, this slight along with the release of footage by Micro leads Schoonover, Rawlins, and the higher-ups of Cerberus to tie up loose ends and sanction the killing of Frank Castle. Castle and Curtis Hoyle arrived at the warehouse, only to find that the cars were leaving. Castle said they are putting their plan to contact Madani on hold because of the current situation. I think it's safe to say that Daredevil still has plenty of surprises in store for us. Knowing that this would most likely be an ambush for him, Castle made his own plans about how to protect himself and ensure that his target was killed. However, once Castle stepped out, he accidentally bumped into Amy Bendix, who accused him of following her, although Castle only questioned if she was okay, confused by her panicked reaction. Your ribs must be cracked. Bendix noted that Castle was also bored, drank too much coffee and the frustration of losing kept him there. The rest of the inmates, quickly realizing Castle was the one who stabbed Dutton, proceeded to charge at him, planning to beat Castle to death. Rawlins continued to torture Castle by pushing his finger into his wound; causing Russo to drag Rawlins away. The trial was highly publicized, with Judge Cynthia Batzer complaining about how impossible it was to find an at least semi-impartial jury as everyone in New York City had an opinion on Castle until at last both Samantha Reyes and Nelson and Murdock agreed on a jury and the trial was allowed to take place. Castle was then presented with a photograph of Ahmad Zubair, as he confirmed Zubair was one of Cerberus Squad's targets, confessing that they had followed Rawlins' orders and kidnapped Zubair in front of his terrified wife and family, before he was tortured and executed. Once they were alone, Castle began looking at the various weapons which he could use to slowly torture and kill the man who took his family from him. Castle was removed from the courtroom and sentenced to jail immediately. Castle was done with her and walked back inside, to interrogate Nelson some more. When Daredevil tried to free himself and made more noise, Castle distracted Jerry and quietly and covertly aimed his gun at his head to warn Daredevil to remain silent. Sitting down with Madani, Castle gave his name for the record, scoffing as Madani gave him their legal statements that he had to agree to before he would testify. Taking a rest from beating the wall, Castle spotted Lance, Paulie, and Leo returned to the construction site and chase Chavez into the building. ""All right, let's do this. Later, Bendix texted him the location of where she was. Scene of the Week Scene of the Month . She then told him to talk with her outside. Why didn't you tell me that? However, Russo was altered to this as Carl called out to Madani for help, as Russo spun around and managed to shoot Madani directly in the skull, as her lifeless body dropped to the ground. While attempting to arrest him, Hoyle came from behind him and aimed at Mahoney the rifle he took from Phillip earlier. I watched one and two, but never got to 3 because after season 2 the pace at which netflix put the MCU shows out got too fast for me and I just gave up. Castle made Page aware of his presence by putting a familiar song onto her radio and as Page and Schoonover drove down the road, Castle plowed into the side of the car with his own SUV, badly injuring Schoonover. As Rex had suggested that Castle should come to the apartment more often so that he could get the pancakes more often, Castle had expressed his gratitude for the statement. While they were then rejoined by Bendix, Castle questioned why Madani had seemed tense, to which she explained that Billy Russo had murdered Arthur Walsh, although Castle expressed his gratitude about Walsh's death. However, the events left him too exhausted to even read a bedtime story to his daughter. At the front desk, Castle asked Debbie for an extra room across from their current one. The Thing was one of the first Heroes infected with the Virus, as the Fantastic Four were the ones who subdued Spider-Man after his initial attack. ""I killed him. Castle told the waitress what he wanted and was asked if he was going to stay, noting he that it all depends on the eggs. Suddenly, Mahoney approached them, knowing they would be there. Massive strength and power apparently have their limits, and even The Hulk has a small weakness. Schoonover has spent his years running heroin alongside some of Frank's old comrades,but even that's not the full story. Castle called Daredevil an altar boy, but soon, all his attackers were defeated and the pair then quickly made their escape back into New York City from the warehouse. Castle then asked Madani what she wanted and Madani answered that the CIA was informed about a high-profile target and Madani needs help to eliminate him. As they waited in the Apartment, Castle and Amy Bendix played card games, in which Bendix showed Castle the game of keeping track on her hidden Queen, which she would carefully shuffle, as Castle would become annoyed that she was beating him at the game. Castle then watched Bendix walk away, before throwing his belongings back into his Van, and prepared to drive away from Michigan, currently intending to never return. But then he got a load of what the guy could do. While they were talking, Henderson teased Castle by briefly pretended to be more deeply Christen than he was while laughing with Castle over his nervous reaction. He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. Castle strapped the last remaining member of the bikers to the driver's seat of the truck and made him drive to the meeting point. He's a former Marine and a stone-cold killer, a rather difficult anti-hero character to sell to audiences. I told you. Sarah asked Castle to stay for a glass of wine. Watching the Kandahar footage, Micro asked Castle who filmed it. While Madani had questioned if he believed that Russo would target Walsh again, with Castle making it clear that he was unsure, but thought Russo could be angry enough to do it. In the third episode of the second season, Daredevil (Charlie Cox) is caught by the former Marine turned vigilante, The Punisher (Jon Bernthal) who straps the blind masked fighter to a chimney on the rooftop of a building as they fiercely argue about their different perspectives on murder and handling crime. Much of the killing is done behind the scenes, but one massive mutant/superhuman genocide occurs during a staged battle on the moon. ""I don't. [26] Lieutenant Castle would later take part in the First Battle of Fallujah as well as other combat operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan, eventually earning the title of Scout Sniper, and was inducted into the ranks of the Marine Corps Force Recon, where he served four tours undertaking classified missions behind enemy lines. Meat was spilling out of her, Red. ""Yes he will. As he sat in silence, the Punisher listened as Russo mockingly answered the call, knowing what had happened to all his men, as the Punisher noted that the Russo he had served within the United States Marine Corps would have been brave enough to come to the ambush alone, although Russo simply commented on how he had men of his own who could be sent to the fights. I would never give you up.Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. With the Schultzes dead, the Punisher had then allowed Pilgrim to leave along with his sons. While Castle stayed calm, Johnny smashed a beer bottle and had then attempted to use it as a weapon to stab Castle, although he was able to easily avoid his attack. This caused a wide spread argument until they calmed down. Traveling to Schoonover's home, Castle witnessed Karen Page interviewing him until she made the same discovery, at which point Schoonover drew his gun on her. When the man ran out of ammunition, Castle responded by shooting him in the shoulder with his rifle, ordering him to admit he was the Blacksmith and that he was the one who had killed his family, when the man refused to speak, Castle chose to shoot him in the leg with his S&W 1911 pistol. Seeking to clear his name, Castle sought out Karen Page, who had been working with Mitchell Ellison at the New York Bulletin to write a story about him. While pouring some coffee, Castle listened to Hoyle about how his friend Wilson was driving taxis in New York and that he suspected that he was talking to himself in the mirror, remarking on how everyone wants to be anyone but themselves. When Castle then asked what had caused this, Bendix explained that Fiona had given them the job in Chicago to work as the catering for a funeral and take pictures of the guests, as they took a picture of David Schultz kissing his male partner in private, while noting that she had felt weird about doing it but dismissed these thoughts as they no longer mattered.
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